35:1 – 40:38 || Ezekiel 36:16-38


    Commentary by Rabbi Chaim Richman, The Temple Institute, Jerusalem:

      “Painstakingly detailed, the concluding two parashot of the book of Exodus, Vayakhel-Pekudei is the Torah’s testimony to G-d’s love for Israel and His desire to rest His presence here on earth. The obsessive attention to every aspect of the Tabernacle and the vessels, from G-d’s call to the generous of heart and the wise of heart to join together and build a Sanctuary, to the inventory of raw materials, the construction of the Tabernacle and the accounting for of every grain of gold and thread of purple, is G-d’s way of telling us today, just as you did it then in the desert, you can do it here and now in Jerusalem” …more:

      Shabbat Shalom

Eric Martienssen

Since my secession from the Church in 2009, my Jewish Orthodox friends in Israel and I have been following the Fake News of Rome in articles and political Shabbat commentaries on GSI (God's Sabbath Int.). The former Pontiff destroyed the dwelling place of God, the temple in Jerusalem – fact! Was the New Testament and the Church just a world dominance inspired business idea of Rome? What is politics today? Enjoy your trip on GSI.