Tora study by Rav Gedalia Meyer for The Temple Institute, Jerusalem, Israel:
«Cataclysmic occurrences change the course of history. One of Israel’s most cataclysmic and enduring incidents was the golden calf. Yet, in spite of the utter seriousness of the event, what changes really occurred to Israel and to Moshe in its aftermath?»…more:
Shabbat Shalom
Since my secession from the Church in 2009, my Jewish Orthodox friends in Israel and I have been following the Fake News of Rome in articles and political Shabbat commentaries on GSI (God's Sabbath Int.). The former Pontiff destroyed the dwelling place of God, the temple in Jerusalem – fact! Was the New Testament and the Church just a world dominance inspired business idea of Rome? What is politics today? Enjoy your trip on GSI.
One Day. One G-d. One Venture.
If you…call the Sabbath a »delight« , the holy day of the LORD »honorable«;…Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, …for the mouth of the LORD has spoken. (Isaia 58,13+14)