“Reunification will lead to Germany gaining more influence in Europe than Hitler ever had,” the political magazine DER SPIEGEL quotes from a conversation between French President Francois Mitterrand and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on January 20, 1990. You can read all about it in the non-fiction book “My theocracy – facts instead of beliefs.” And you should do it as soon as possible – urgently before the 2025 federal election – if you want to prevent what could probably be described as National Socialist cooperation between the Christian Union CDU/CSU under Friedrich Merz and the dull-national Alternative for Germany AfD in time before Thatcher and Mitterrand’s prophecy becomes final and irreversible. No specter of artificial intelligence, but reality of the new world history in the spirit of the Germans – Hitler’s dream completed in a Christian and democratic way? Thinking ahead and thinking about it: Wasn’t it also the CDU under Merkel that invited all the refugees to Germany, which this very CDU now wants to deport again? The blurb of the non-fiction book MY THEOCRACY / MY GOD STATE is alarming:
A theocracy, Germany? Its God Christ promised it eternal life “and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel”! Incitement of the people or just New Testament’s antisemitism? SPD Federal President Steinmeier first laid a wreath on the grave of the PLO terrorist leader Arafat in Israel. Luther demanded that “their synagogues be burned down”. Even after the Gaza Hamas massacre sympathy for Israel is dwindling again among the people and German state policy – perhaps because the Germans are able to ignore their 170-year history of occupation in the country?
In one of the more than 90 documentary footnotes in this non-fiction book DER SPIEGEL (dominant political magazine in Germany) calculates that the state grants church institutions 73 billion euros annually – for comparison: the entire federal budget for 2024 is just under 477 billion euros! The state’s second major area of expenditure concerns the front against Germany’s other archetypal enemy. But the FAZ (best-reputed newspaper in Germany) points out: »Did Russia annex Crimea? No. Were the referendum in Crimea and its secession from Ukraine violating international law? No… Even this consideration should discipline the hands-free handling of the predicate “annexation” a little.«
MY GOD STATE encourages to ask questions, e.g. whether the NATO exit of the USA could not possibly be a peace-bringing blessing that gives preference to facts over faith? Doesn’t the liberation from Christian faith at the Munich unSecurity Conference MSC, the lies of Biden’s NATO church, their IN GOD WE TRUST wars and “believed” Soros truths promise a renewed perception of facts? And of contexts? Wasn’t it the federal government under the Lutherpastor’s daughter Merkel, her CDU Konrad Adenauer Foundation and her Christian Democratic European People’s Party EPP in the European Parliament who, according to SPIEGEL information, wanted to “build Klitschko into a new strong man in Kyiv” – in order to “counteract the Kremlin’s growing influence?” In other words, clearly “contrary to international law” interference in the internal affairs of a state in the sense of the “prohibition of intervention”, the basic principle of international law in general? Isn’t that why the bloody massacre on the Maidan and the subsequent start of the Ukraine war in 2014 took place?
On the basis of his profound experience in geopolitics, church, synagogue and global economy, the author Eric Martienssen compares the most personal feeling of every person, his “soul” faith, highly exciting with facts.