Weekly Torah Study on Shabbat TETZAVE
SHABBAT TETZAVE readings: Exodus 27:20 - 30:10 || Ezekiel 43:10- 27 Tora study by Rav Gedalia Meyer for The Temple Institute, Jerusalem, Israel: «Keeping the mind focused is one of life's great challenges. Nevertheless, staying focused is of supreme, even life saving...
Weekly Torah Study on Shabbat BESHALACH
SHABBAT BESHALACH readings: Exodus 13:17 - 17:16 || Judges 4:4 – 5:31 Tora study by Rav Gedalia Meyer for The Temple Institute, Jerusalem, Israel: «Is our universe nothing more than a mass of colliding particles signifying nothing? Or do even the most unremarkable...
Weekly Torah Study on SHABBAT SHEMOT
SHABBAT SHEMOT readings: Exodus 1:1 – 6:1 || Isaiah 27:6 – 28:13 & 29:22-23 Tora study by Rav Gedalia Meyer for The Temple Institute, Jerusalem, Israel: «What is G-d? This is a question we all have asked. Even Moshe, at the burning bush, asked G-d by what name He...
Weekly Torah Study on SHABBAT CHAYEI SARAH
SHABBAT CHAYEI SARAH: Genesis 23:1 - 25:18 || 1 Kings 1:1-31 Tora study by Rav Gedalia Meyer for The Temple Institute, Jerusalem, Israel: «"And these are the years of the life of Ishmael: one hundred years and thirty years and seven years... In the presence of all of...
Torah Study on Shabbat SUKKOT
SHABBAT SUKKOT: HALLEL; Leviticus 22:26 – 23:44 | Numbers 29:12-16 || Zecharia 14 SUKKOT 2nd Day: 2: HALLEL; Leviticus 22:26 – 23:44 | Numbers 29:12-16 || 1 Kings 8:2-21 Tora study by Rav Gedalia Meyer for The Temple Institute, Jerusalem, Israel: «Sitting in a...
Temple Talk Radio on the Month of Tragedy: Av
A Timely Recap of the Sin of the Spies Tempel Talk Radio by Rav Reuven for The Temple Institute, Jerusalem, Israel: «We welcome in the new month of Av, a month that marks Israel's greatest tragedies but also Israel's greatest hopes and aspirations. We also begin...